Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

School Council 2022-23

We are a group of children, nominated by our classmates, who try to make the school a better place for everyone. We are ‘the voice’ of the pupils and it is our responsibility to ensure the children at our school have their say and we make our voices heard in a polite yet effective way. We meet every week to discuss what is happening in school and our new 'Picture News'. If there is anything that our classes want to raise, we get the opportunity to discuss them during our meetings every Friday morning.

Our school councillors are: 

 Year 1

 Ayan & Dilwar



 Aleen & Oakley


Year 2

 Dareen & Arya



 Faheema & Huzayfah


Year 3

 Inaara & Abubakr



 Musa & Safiyya


Year 4

 Vera & Abubakr



 Rumaysa & Ahmed


Year 5

 Dlaya & Adeel



Zaina & Huzaifah 


 Year 6

 Safaa, Yousif & Everest 



 Zain & Hafsah


British Values Link - Children should understand how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.

British Values Link - Children should develop an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety

School Council Meetings

Every half term the school council meetings are based on different themes which are closely linked to the school assembly themes, British values links, the UNCRC and support the children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.

Picture News 

The school councillors support their classes to learn about current issues in the news. During school council meetings they share a topical news story and debate relevant, real issues and then lead these discussions with their own class.  

 Wellbeing Ambassadors

Our commitment to supporting the emotional wellbeing of everybody in our school community is a high priority, demonstrated by our accomplishment of the 'Wellbeing Award for Schools' . Our school councillors play a key role in supporting this as Wellbeing Ambassadors. Their responsibilities include:

  • Being a friendly and approachable person
  • Listening to and supporting others
  • Promoting the 5 ways to wellbeing (Connect, Take Notice, Give, Keep Learning and Be Active)
  • Leading playground games that support wellbeing, teamwork and friendship
  • Encouraging and monitoring engagement with the wellbeing homework activities
  • Sharing information about wellbeing through the school council magazine 

 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 

At Brandwood we take bullying really seriously and as a result of our hard work, dedication and respect for each other we have gained the ‘BIG Award’ once again. This demonstrates that as a school, we have shown excellence in dealing with and preventing bullying wherever possible.

To maintain this approach our school councillors have also take on the important roles of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. Their role includes ensuring any bullying is dealt with effectively in our classrooms and on the playground and that anti-bullying strategies are promoted effectively.

The ambassadors provide support for anyone that feels bullied by:

  • Listening to children if they feel worried or concerned
  • Ensuring any issues or concerns are reported to the class teacher
  • Making sure that everyone acts as part of a team
  • Ensuring that no child is alone at break times
  • Becoming an active role model to everyone in school.

 For more information about our approach to anti-bullying and how to report incidents please visit out anti-bullying information page