Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

Local Authority Support

Local Authority Support

Bolton’s SEND Local Offer is an information hub for young people, parents, carers and practitioners detailing SEND processes, pathways, services and provision available across education, health and social care.

Developed based on feedback from families, the Local Offer is also a place where service users can share their views and help shape the future of Bolton’s SEND provision.

The Local Offer is available on the council website or by following the link below:

Additional Support and Guidance

There are many external agencies who work in close partnership with school and may be able to offer support and advice for parents or carers including: 

  • Sensory support agencies for children with hearing and visual impairments.

Contact Details: 01204 333120

  • Woodbridge SEND Service work closely with some children in need of additional support by delivering individual intervention programmes. At the end of the programme this service supports teachers by providing further suggested units of work which will continue to be delivered within school.

Contact Details: 01204 332357

  • The Local Authority Educational Psychologist Service offers valuable support to school by accurately assessing and identifying specific special educational needs and supports staff to devise specifically designed programmes of work to help children with complex needs and learning difficulties make optimum progress.

Contact Details: 01204 338060

  • Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, benefit from the Local Authority Behaviour Support Service which offers support and advice for individual and groups of children and their families.

Contact Details: 01204 338133

  • Speech and Language Therapy support children with communication and understanding concerns.

Contact Details: 01204 462670

  • The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Support Service is based at Royal Bolton Hospital and offers support to families who have concerns regarding their child’s mental health. The service offers 1:1 and small group support sessions at the hospital.

Contact Details: 01204 483222

  • The school nurse is based at Pikes Lane Health Centre and is available to give advice and support with a range of health-related issues such as hearing, vision etc.

Contact Details: 01204 463700

  • The Early Intervention Service is available to support children and families who are experiencing difficulties in attending school on a regular and punctual basis.

Contact Details: 01204 334450

All of these services work closely with parents and carers and offer support and guidance wherever necessary.  Parents and carers are also encouraged to seek advice from school directly.