Online Safety
Online Safety
Please use the links below to access information regarding online safety:
At Brandwood School we believe that all learners have the right to access safe and reliable information (Article 17 UNCRC) therefore it is our responsibility to ensure that learners develop the knowledge and understanding to do so safely. The Internet has become an integral part of everyday life for children, enabling them to undertake research for school projects, talk to their friends and access information from around the world. Internet development is constantly evolving into ever more innovative areas with many websites enabling amazing creativity and interaction between peers. At Brandwood we encourage our learners to take full advantage of the internet in and out of school. This brings with it the need to ensure that learners are safe online.
Computing Lessons
Computing lessons at Brandwood take place in classrooms and a wide range of resources are used to facilitate teaching. All year groups have access to a range of different devices including iPads, laptops, and iMacs.
At the start of each year, all classes learn about E-Safety through the topic of Digital Citizenship and share the Acceptable Use Policy (EYFS, Y1&2, Y3&4, Y5&6), the iPad Contracts (KS1, KS2)and class expectations. As they progress, they are taught about the dangers of different websites and apps including what to do if they are witness to something online which makes them feel uncomfortable. Online safety is continually taught throughout the year as part of our class assemblies and whole school events.
You can support the school by allowing your child access to the following websites to encourage them to use the internet safely.
Link to Snapchat information for parents and carers
Link to Tik Tok information for parents and carers
Link to YouTube information for parents and carers