Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

Diary Dates


Thursday 9th January - Year 6 Memorial Art workshop 

Tuesday 14th January - Year 4 River trip

Wednesday 15th January - Year 1 Phonics workshop (3pm) FLYER

Thursday 16th January - Nursery (am) 'Imagine That' trip 

Wednesday 22nd January - Reception Police visit 

Thursday 23rd January - Nursery (pm) 'Imagine That' trip 

Thursday 23rd January - Year 2 Inspiring Women workshop 

Monday 27th January - Year 6 (group) Holocaust Memorial Service at Bolton Town Hall 

Tuesday 28th January - Year 5 and 6 parent and carer drop in for 'Growing Up' talk LETTER

Wednesday 29th January - EYFS Harmony Breakfast FLYER

Wednesday 29th January - Year 6 Class Assembly - Holocaust Memorial Day FLYER

Thursday 30th January - Harmony Breakfast FLYER

Thursday 30th January - Year 4 Roman workshop

Monday 3rd February - Nursery (am) Stay and Play (10.45 - 11.45am)

Monday 3rd February - Nursery (pm) Stay and Play (2.30 - 3.30pm)

Tuesday 4th February - Year 5 and 6 'Growing Up' talk

Wednesday 5th February - Year 6 Crucial Crew trip 

Thursday 6th February- John Hunt Photographs FLYER

Friday 7th February - 1P Class Assembly - Topic Celebration 

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day (non-uniform)

Tuesday 11th February - Y6 SATs Information Evening FLYER

Tuesday 11th February - Nursery (am) 'The Tiger Who Came For Tea' tea party (10-45 - 11-45am)

Tuesday 11th February - Nursery (pm) 'The Tiger Who Came For Tea' tea party (2.25 - 3.25pm) 

Wednesday 12th February - 1L Class Assembly - Topic Celebration 

Thursday 13th February - RK Stay and Play (9.15 - 10.15am)

Thursday 13th February - RJ Stay and Play (2.15 - 3.15pm)

Monday 24th February - Reception Fire Service visit 

Thursday 27th February - Years 3, 5 and 6 Virtual Reality workshops 

Friday 14th February - Year 5 Class Assembly - Topic Celebration 

Monday 3rd March - Year 5 Bikeability 

Tuesday 4th March - Year 5 Bikeability 

Wednesday 5th March - Year 4 Multiplcation Tables Check parent's meeting (2.45pm)

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day (non-uniform or story character dressing up)

Monday 10th - Friday 14th March - Science Week 

Friday 14th March - Year 6 Slavery workshop 

Monday 17th March - Nursery (am) Stay and Play (10.45 - 11.45am)

Monday 17th March - Nursery (pm) Stay and Play (2.30 - 3.30pm)

Wednesday 19th March - 1L Fireground Museum trip 

Thursday 20th March - RJ Smithills trip 

Friday 21st March - RK Smithills trip 

Friday 21st March - Comic Relief (non-uniform)

Friday 21st March - World Poetry Day 

Friday 21st March - 2D Class Assembly - Topic Celebration 

Monday 24th March - 1P Fireground Museum trip 

Thursday 27th March - RK Stay and Play (9.15 - 10.15am)

Thursday 27th March - RJ Stay and Play (2.15 - 3.15pm)

Thursday 27th March - 2Q Class Assembly - Topic Celebration 

Friday 28th March - Year 4 Class Assembly - Mother's Day

Tuesday 1st April - Parents and Carers' meetings (3.45 - 5.45pm)

Wednesday 2nd April - Parents and Carers' meeting (3.45 - 5.45pm)

Friday 4th April - Year 3 Class Assembly - Topic Celebration