Brandwood Primary

Brandwood Community Wood

Life at Brandwood Primary

"This is a good school with outstanding features" Ofsted 2008

Contact Us    

Our office staff: Mrs H Malik and Mrs S Ahmed, will be pleased to respond to any queries from parents, carers and other members of the public. Please use the contact details stated below. If paper copies of any of the information on this website are required or any further information about the school curriculum, we will provide this free of charge on request. If any parent or carer would like to speak to any member of staff, please contact the office staff on 01204333444 and they will arrange a call or meeting with them. 

Please request the password to access our website via the school office on 01204 333444.

Head Teacher:
Mrs A Holmes

Chair of Governors:
Mr Martin Simpson

Deputy Head Teachers:

EYFS & KS1: Mrs R Cameron

KS2: Miss C Lund

Designated Safeguarding Lead:       

Miss C Lund 

EYFS & Sanctuary SENDCo:                               

Mrs J Jones

KS1 & KS2 SENDCo:   

Mrs R Cameron                            

Brandwood Community Primary School
Brandwood Street

Tel: 01204 333 444 
